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Kitesurfing Bar & Lines

Kitesurfing bars and lines are a very important part of your kite set-up. Remember your kite bar and lines are the main safety part of your kitesurfing equipment

What is the control bar of a kite?

The Kite control bar is an essential piece of equipment for any Kitesurfer. The kite bar can be pushed away by sliding there kite control bar up the depower line, extending the power lines and changing the kite's angle, which quickly depowers the kite by extending the rear power lines. A kite control bar usually has all the lines the same length, or the kite lines end at the same point. Most kite control bars have a quick-release system. This is activated by pulling or pushing the quick-release system on the chicken loop. Once the kite has been safely landed using the safety line, steering lines and kite lines can be checked, and then the quick release can be secured, and the kite can be relaunched. The kite control bar should always be used with a safety leash.

Depending on ability, the bar width may vary. A small kite will use a smaller bar width. Larger kite bars will help the rider change direction quickly due to the leverage on the kite. It is essential t to use the right bar for your kite. Always check you have the correct line setup and the right line length for your kite. By using different line lengths, you can change the kite's power.

Boardworx shop

  • North Kite Lines Heavy duty Kitesurfing

    Original price £89.00 - Original price £89.00
    Original price
    £89.00 - £89.00
    Current price £89.00

    This is the heavy duty 600Ib lines for kitesurfing from North all 4 lines are the same length, so will fit most 4 line bars be it best naish etc. M...

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    Original price £89.00 - Original price £89.00
    Original price
    £89.00 - £89.00
    Current price £89.00

The best kite control bar.

The Duotone Click bar has many unique features and is our most advanced kitesurf control bar. This bar is a top-of-the-line offering from the trusted brand Duotone. The Click Bar is designed for easy and intuitive use, with a simple yet effective quick-release system. The duotone click bar can be depowered just by clicking a button at the end of the bar, so ideal for fine-tuning your kite. The quick release is small and lightweight. This control bar is perfect for kitesurfers looking for a quick way to tune their kite.

Another popular kite bar we sell is the Duotone Trust Kite Bar. The Trust control bar is designed for kitesurfers looking for a traditional depower system. Pull the depower line through a cleat to lose power from the kitesurfing kite. The Duotone Trust Bar is a quality control bar that can be used as a four or five-line kite bar.

Kite control bars

We also sell the F-One Linx Kitesurfing Bar. These bars are made by the renowned kitesurfing brand F-One. The Linx Bar is designed with a simple and intuitive depower system and is intended to be simple to repair when lines get broken. The Linx Bar can be adjustable in length, which is excellent for large or smaller kites. This bar is perfect for travelling kitesurfers who might need to repair their kite control bar when away.

Kite bar.

The Core Sensor kite bar is an excellent German design and has been very popular with more technical kitesurfer. The sensor kitesurf kite bar has multiple line lengths, and the Sensor 3 plus kite control bar is made with carbon and good non-stretched kite lines.

We sell other brands of kite bars like the Cabrinha Bar, which is excellent value for money at present. This kite control bar fits most four-line kites. Finally, Boardworx also offers kite bars that are reduced in price from last year's bars so that you can get your hands on the perfect control bar at a great price.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you are still determining if a control bar will fit a particular kitesurfing kite.